miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013


o   Aim: At the end of the task, students will be able to develop their writing skills talking about a member of their family.  
o   Population: basic level. Students for 5th grade.

Task: Students will write in a 6 lines paragraph about a person in their family including different aspects specified in the low part.

            Stage 1: Students will answer in their English notebook, the following 4
            questions about their family.

1.    What do your father and mother do?
2.    How many brothers and sisters do you have?
3.    If you have brothers, are you older or younger than them?
4.    How do your friends call you?

Stage 2: Go to the following link http://esl-lab.com/family1/fam1.htm and read the questions and the multiple answers. Then, listen to the conversation and select the right answer.

Stage 3: Students will write about somebody in their family. They can include some of the following information:
o   Their name and age.
o   What they look like.
o   Their daily routine.
o   Their job.
o   What they do in the evenings.
o   What they do at the weekends.

ü  Students will write the paragraph in the comments space.

Criteria for assessing students’ performance

Each criteria will be graded from one to five

Ideas were expressed following an organized way and well developed.

The paragraph contains 6 lines.

Student use of variety of expressions and vocabulary.

Student use of structures with few errors (spelling, punctuation, capitalization)

The text contains at least 5 accurate facts about the topic.